Defining “sacrifice” – per recent political controversy in news – Trump vs. Khan

Editorial Article by Jim Lantern, Lantern Timeglass Journal

Monday 1 August 2016

#sacrifice – Twitter hashtag. Some of the controversy is commented on there.

A few articles about this issue from news sources…

  • Here, Mr. Trump, this is what sacrifice looks like Baltimore Sun (blog)-Aug 1, 2016 – Here you go, Mr. Trump: Here’s what “sacrifice” looks like. …. “You have sacrificed nothing and no one,” Khizr Khan said of Trump during his …

Simple definition of sacrifice by Merriam-Webster – 

  • : the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone

  • : an act of killing a person or animal in a religious ceremony as an offering to please a god

  • : a person or animal that is killed in a sacrifice

My perspective…

Trump might believe he makes sacrifices, but it would be to give up a small thing for a larger thing – meaning, his sacrifices are for personal gain only. True sacrifices do not intentionally result in personal gain – however, there can be various kinds of rewards for making personal sacrifices to help others.

I might have something planned for an afternoon that is important to me. Instead, I use the time to help someone else, without any expected compensation. Not just trading favor for favor. That is one kind of sacrifice. Such as doing charity work.

King James Bible – John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” That is true in war, and in other kinds of situations.

Different, more or less, when that act is for a stranger. Someone you don’t know is about to be hit by a car. You shove them out of the way, resulting in you being hit instead.

Or more along the lines of the current controversy, for a soldier to lay down his life for his (or her) country. General Patton would partly disagree with that, (confirmed original quote) having said, “No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” How can those words be applied to the new kind of conflict – new kind of war – being confronted with today? The enemy is willing to die for his cause, and does so, such as terrorist suicide bombers. Japan did some of that during World War II – Kamikaze [kamikaꜜze] “divine wind” or “spirit wind” – officially Tokubetsu Kōgekitai “Special Attack Unit” abbreviated as Tokkō Tai, and used as a verb as Tokkō “special attack” – were suicide attacks by military aviators from the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels. They sacrificed their lives for their cause. Many who do so believe they will be rewarded in heaven for that particular kind of sacrifice, and they do not consider it to be suicide – the cowards way out for which there would be no reward in heaven. Therefore, religion fans the flames for that kind of sacrifice. Difficult, if not impossible, to convince such believers that such sacrifice will not be rewarded in the life after this life, if the sacrifice is for an evil cause and results in loss of innocent lives.

During this Election 2016, there has been another kind of sacrifice. The Bernie Sanders sacrifice for Hillary Clinton, for example. Likewise, the candidates who bit the dust – unwilling sacrifices – resulting in Donald Trump being the survivor. Sometimes the villain is the victor. Polls indicate most Americans are opposed to Trump, including members of the Republican Party he is the candidate for. So some sacrifices are unwilling – especially if you are the one being sacrificed. Question: “How did he die?” Answer: “Unwillingly.”


I’ll do a separate posting about this, and am adding it to this article and in a Comment… There is also the NFL vs. Presidential Debates schedule controversy issue. Is Trump unwilling to sacrifice 2 nights of Monday Night Football to participate in debates? Likely he would rather be enjoying a good football game – attending or watching on TV. On one hand, he is a devout football fan. On the other, he does care about winning Election 2016. The apparent real issue involves ratings. Will more viewers watch football or the debates? Will football take away viewers who might have watched the debates? So there’s another kind of sacrifice, on the part of some viewers. There is also the fact that these debates will be managed more professionally than the past primary debates, which fanned the flames of personal differences rather than totally focusing on issues. That will not likely be allowed to happen at the coming debates, which will focus on the major issues, managed like a real debate instead of like the previous farces. It was grossly unprofessional for Megyn Kelly to begin the first debate with a personal attack on Trump instead of presenting a major issue for the candidates to actually debate. Trump took the bate and has been chewing on such controversy ever since then, although at times making good speeches about some major issues. He obviously does not fear such personal conflicts, and appears to thrive on them – boosting his ratings in polls. I do wonder if he fears a real debate focusing on the major issues, if he can handle those subjects without going into personal attacks. Clinton has the advantage of direct experience with some of those issues in government and the political realm, so it is reasonable to debate her record. How he performs against Clinton at the First Presidential Debate on Monday 26 September 2016 could help to decide the election on 8 November 2016. I will not vote for Clinton. Trump’s behavior indicates he is not the kind of businessman I wanted to vote into the White House in place of traditional politicians, so at his time he has lost my vote. That leaves only Johnson as the least of three evils, and I do not agree with him on all issues. I do hope he gets the 15% polling requirement to get into the debates so that his position on the major issues can be presented and clarified for added contrast between Clinton and Trump.

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10 thoughts on “Defining “sacrifice” – per recent political controversy in news – Trump vs. Khan

  1. We begin to ask: Is it time for the GOP to sacrifice Trump? For the good of the country?


    • Quite right, “We have heard the chimes at midnight…”

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll do a separate posting about this, and am adding it to this article and in a Comment… There is also the NFL vs. Presidential Debates schedule controversy issue. Is Trump unwilling to sacrifice 2 nights of Monday Night Football to participate in debates? Likely he would rather be enjoying a good football game – attending or watching on TV. On one hand, he is a devout football fan. On the other, he does care about winning Election 2016. The apparent real issue involves ratings. Will more viewers watch football or the debates? Will football take away viewers who might have watched the debates? So there’s another kind of sacrifice, on the part of some viewers. There is also the fact that these debates will be managed more professionally than the past primary debates, which fanned the flames of personal differences rather than totally focusing on issues. That will not likely be allowed to happen at the coming debates, which will focus on the major issues, managed like a real debate instead of like the previous farces. It was grossly unprofessional for Megyn Kelly to begin the first debate with a personal attack on Trump instead of presenting a major issue for the candidates to actually debate. Trump took the bate and has been chewing on such controversy ever since then, although at times making good speeches about some major issues. He obviously does not fear such personal conflicts, and appears to thrive on them – boosting his ratings in polls. I do wonder if he fears a real debate focusing on the major issues, if he can handle those subjects without going into personal attacks. Clinton has the advantage of direct experience with some of those issues in government and the political realm, so it is reasonable to debate her record. How he performs against Clinton at the First Presidential Debate on Monday 26 September 2016 could help to decide the election on 8 November 2016. I will not vote for Clinton. Trump’s behavior indicates he is not the kind of businessman I wanted to vote into the White House in place of traditional politicians, so at his time he has lost my vote. That leaves only Johnson as the least of three evils, and I do not agree with him on all issues. I do hope he gets the 15% polling requirement to get into the debates so that his position on the major issues can be presented and clarified for added contrast between Clinton and Trump.


      • Candor requires me to say I voted for Bernie in the primary but am sticking with Hillary.
        Let me know if you ever find a candidate you agree with 100 percent of the time.
        By the way, I’m hoping Johnson gets his 15 percent to be in the debates.


        • Representatives should in theory represent the people, but in fact they have their own positions and then are supported by the majority who agree with them. I’d prefer a Direct Democracy, but most people strongly disagree with me on that, with the belief that most people lack information and qualifications to vote – that the majority (with an emotional response) would send the country down the wrong path. So, maybe the best of both worlds? Now that we have the Internet, the means exist to let everyone vote – or rather be polled or surveyed, and then representatives as a safety step will consider those before making their own decision – casting their own official votes. We have a say, but they have the final say.

          I happen to like Bernie Sanders and his supporters. I consider him and them to be more honest than the others. I don’t have to agree with them to respect them. I don’t agree with all he wanted to do – but I liked much of it – I simply didn’t see how some of it would be possible, but for some modifications. For example… Free college? No. I’d rather get paid while I learn. No debt. Surplus, when the apprenticeship is done. Classes during mornings, on-the-job training afternoons for hands-on experience using what was learned in class during mornings. The afternoon job pays for the morning school, with money left over to live on, and have some saved with apprenticeship is done.


        • Jim Lantern ‏@TimeglassZone
          I recommend @Voter_Guru at Twitrter. Take the http://Voter.Guru quiz to find your political match:
          I’m slightly surprised it matched me to Hillary Clinton. I knew I’ve been increasingly leaning left from center but did not realize that far. There is also The World’s Smallest Political Quiz for left-leaning Centrist.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Joan OF Arc 77

    I worked in Las Vegas for four years in the service industry. I have met in person so many celebrities and high rollers and got to see the ‘real deal’ but only one lady was charitable, loving, with God’s heart, the rest were dark, self-absorbed and non tipping at that. That being said, I have friends who are quite respectable who know Donald Trump up close and personal and not by what they read or hear in the media. One is so close that she did Melania’s hair and makeup as well as the bridal group. He is charitable beyond what others would imagine or would be themselves and we don’t even know the extent of it because it is hidden. He is awesome to women and believe it or not, he is a human being who knows the Lord. His wife is beautiful inside and out, gracious, thankful and very charitable as well.Though others judge him, and he may not be politically correct, (which is a good thing and not bad) he is a good father, a good husband and highly respected among all of his employees. He is also a patriotic person and a giver beyond what God would expect. Is he perfect? No. He is a man, just as you and I. We fail, we say the wrong things at times and we continue to move forward.

    They have attempted to slaughter him, they speak and say whatever they want to him from the very beginning and when he gives hard core bold truth rudely back to them (Just the way it was served to him) they cry and take offense because they have been convinced that they can play nasty and be rude, belligerent, unkind, disrespectful, aggressive but he is not allowed to do the same. How interesting the state of the American’s minds and hearts are. They don’t like the taste of their own regurgitation being sent back to them and this is why the U.S.A. is going to be brought down. They can only see the offense of others, never see their own offenses, especially to God.

    I have had three visions of high profile people. I never have visions of such unless it is important. Brietbart’s murder was one of them and he was dead that very same day when I woke up. The other is a president from another state who will be assassinated shortly and I watched it take place. Yeshua gave me a vision of Trump as well, an attempt on his life and the Lord was there with me and him in that room. I was astonished and I knew that he is a friend of Yeshua whether you or others want to believe it. The other two were different. The Lord was not there with them. Interesting.

    Regardless of what others may think, or what a corrupted Jesuit pope says about him, or a lynch mob who wants to hang him before he has even started….you may want to be very careful with propaganda, judging others without knowledge, spiritual or otherwise. We may not all agree with what he says at times or how he does it, but Yeshua clearly showed me something that I would not have known otherwise. I am ex military and learned decades ago about the corruption while I was inside and not outside, as well as severe corruption at this time with personal, legal issues with the Vatican, CIA and many corrupted governments. I stay out of politics though I have been placed there whether I like it or not with the above mentioned.

    Anyhoo…..try not to get caught up in the worldly things because the Lords prophecy will come about regardless of what is going on in the world. The U.S.A. is not even in scripture and very shortly judgment is coming. I don’t believe that we will even have an election this year and that devastation and destruction will be coming which will halt many things, including people’s bad attitudes. The U.S.A. people will be humbled and they will be attempting to survive themselves, instead of attempting to kill off others. God’s hand is being taken away and that Apocalyptic Spiritual war will be manifesting full force in the world, and the US very soon. God bless you.


    • Thanks for your comment. Regarding your words, ” I don’t believe that we will even have an election this year and that devastation and destruction will be coming which will halt many things, including people’s bad attitudes. The U.S.A. people will be humbled and they will be attempting to survive themselves, instead of attempting to kill off others.”

      I believe in four possibilities:
      1. Election 2016 will proceed without incident.
      2. Election 2016 will proceed without incident, but it will be the final election – then on 20 January 2017 our democracy and representative government will be replaced with a dictatorship by whoever wins the election on 8 November 2016.
      3. The increasing violence (mass shootings) here in the United States will result in Martial Law being declared, which will cancel or delay Election 2016.
      4. There will be a natural disaster far exceeding Hurricane Katrina in damage, which will cancel or delay Election 2016.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Joan OF Arc 77

        Hey Jim 🙂
        I have had many visions in the past 7 years and they are filed in my spirit. Some of those visions the Lord is either there or speaking to me. I have had no visions that there will be no election. It is just my human mind acknowledging what I am seeing in visions and placing it together, a time-line has been made from my visions. (He has flooded me with information as well as telling me to warn the people of the 10 Kings being ushered in by this destruction.) I keep a well documented journal (Thus God’s Girl 1,2, 3) It is Yeshua and nobody believes it but I am being forthright. At the time I had the 10 Kings vision, I had no idea about who the 10 Kings were. Yeshua was with me. It is beyond a CATASTROPHIC event coming soon. It is the fallen angels manifesting full force. I have had a long walk in the fire, and have had much adversity due to these revelations. Too much to write in a comment box. 😉

        Many call me a prophet as well as a seer, as Jeremiah was. I receive the knowledge, as well as see it and feel it and I am allowed to feel the emotion of others. :*( The Lord refers to it as “The Great One” and it is an Earthquake of such great magnitude that millions will perish, NONE have been documented in history, a Juggernaut is the word that was spoken twice to me about this “Great One.” It will make Florida shake with tremors from the West Coast. It is hidden in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, Alaska…Japan…Many countries will be destructed. The West Coast Juggernaut! It will be originating from earthquake swarms, great enough to topple some buildings in Las Vegas. It will not not be aftershocks that come…but a foreshock instead… a 9.8 in Nevada… Hoover Dam….and there the domino effect will happen across the U.S. Great devastation. All over 8 + magnitudes. I have had no visions of Hurricanes. F-5 tornado in NCarolina…One massive one in Tulsa Oklahoma at night out of nowhere…I was also shown a great tsunami in the Indian Ocean, one that will be originate from the earthquake in India. The Lord showed me that India will have a 10.0. Great pestilence! Disease and death.

        To end my file cabinet of some of these visions….I was shown 3 planes disguised as commercial over the mid U.S. and they sneak in. They are half way over the U.S. before noticed, our fighter jets were on them but too late. They emitted white substance/biological into the air. I was given the wisdom that they snuck in while the West Coast was having total devastation. World War III will be openly started due to this sneak attack on the U.S. It is this that will hold up the elections. The Lord forewarned me that it is Prophecy and it will happen. No amount of prayer will stop the King from allowing the Devil to have full dominion. Thus for the last book “The Apocalyptic Spiritual War” for those who do not know Yeshua, and have not read the Bible. The seeds that they will need when this fully activates in the spiritual and manifests in the physical. Enough said. …. It is not pretty to see all of this…I warn people to ready themselves but they think I am a jokester. This is HOW I came to Yeshua. No man. Yeshua comes to me…sadly…so does the devil. As Paul, the thorn in the flesh is attacks from the devil due to great revelation. Me no puffy! Me no puffy! 🙂 Love you Brother. Have a blessed day.

        p.s. Yeshua has not been wrong yet. Many of the visions have made it to the headlines already, I was expecting them, Ebola, Oklahoma world news of beheading, Russia’s sneak attack on the Ukraine…Right now…15 of the visions He has shown me are running in the News Headlines. God is speaking to His people! (The India 10. magnitude was shown to me many months ago. Just recently in the past few weeks….India has just been told that 140 million people are sitting on a fault line they did not know existed. They better prepare! This is serious fireworks on the Beach of India!


        • Probably white anthrax powder. Not hard for terrorists to get their hands on it, as well as jets of course. It’s one of the FBI concerns, but they are slow to act even when they know of a potential specific attack. A recent episode of the NBC TV series The Night Shift included a backpack with a bomb in it and anthrax for an attack on a hospital.

          “The Great One” fits similar words given to me, but without the details you mentioned. Only the indication it would be much worse than Katrina and disrupt the election – if it happens. I get the impression there presently is a debate among angels themselves, along the lines of Genesis 18:16-33 (Abraham intercedes for Sodom). Anyway, I did not see it to be that severe, but I sense you might be right. I’ve wondered if Yellowstone (calderon) would go off in our lifetime. If/when, not likely anyone in North America would survive, so perhaps not that severe. I believe there will be survivors and rebuilding. For better or worse a different world for the survivors.

          A future theocracy under Christ Jesus would probably be more freedom than we have today although in different ways and better. A theocracy under a human dictator would be the end of freedom as we know it, and so I’d of course be opposed to that. God made us Will creatures with freedom of choice. A believe a different kind of democracy but still with representatives would exist under Christ Jesus. He would not be a dictator. He would be a good delegator. He would want people to engage in friendly debate in order to make good decisions.

          Times I lost everything, became homeless, lack of effective health care, could not work for a while, and recovery has helped to prepare me. Perhaps such a natural disaster will be more of a shock to those who have not had such major personal losses. Those who have survived past disasters will know what to do, how to survive. Also, I served as a “solder” in The Salvation Army for a year helping victims of floods and fires. God is keeping me alive. Times I should have died – hemoglobin count down to only 4.7 from a 12-14 for my size. “Human life can’t exist under 5.0 so we don’t know what is keeping you alive.” a doctor told me. I was then given 3 pints of blood that time and further treated for bleeding stomach ulcers. After Katrina, Governor Chris Christi condemned the federal government for giving so much aid to victims. After Sandy hit New Jersey, he and his people becoming victims, he sang a different tune and demanded it for his state. Something I’ve wondered about – a vision of Christi being a future President – by line of succession. If Trump had picked him for VP then it would make sense now, but Trump picked Pence instead.

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