“Beep, beep, boop” – WordPress makes another design change for how to create a new post!

Hey, WordPress, WTF?!!

I go to “Timeglass Journal” on the bar to get the drop-down menu, to select New > Post.

I get “beep, beep, boop” (seriously) words on the screen . . . with a long pause… Then instead of getting what I’ve been using to create a new post, I instead get the other means. Like from the Sites listing page, when clicking on the pencil symbol next to “Add New Post” to get . . . this thing.

Why, WordPress, why? Why take something that works flawlessly and totally screw it up? Now with this additional change – excuse me I mean “improvement” – WordPress goes from SNAFU to FUBAR. [Previous change was removing the vertical scroll bar in the text box.]

This is making it really tough for me to remain at WordPress.

12 August 2014 – 5:25 p.m. CT Tuesday

Jim Lantern, Timeglass Journal

PS: “Preview” post no longer functions – just does same as Update. And clicking on Update functions for Publish. What a mess!!!

Update 9:30 a.m. CT Saturday 16 August 2014

WordPress just added “Welcome to an easier way to create on WordPress.com! Missing the old editor? No worries, just switch to classic mode.” with “classic mode” as the link to do that. It now appears after the “beep-beep-boop” nonsense.

There is also the work-around I found…


UPDATE: Friday 15 August 2014

Found work-around!!!

For a New Post:
1. Main “Dashboard” – from WordPress Site TITLE drop-down (open the main Dashboard) >
2. “Posts” >
3. “Add New” (right under “All Posts”) = old version!!!
[NOT “New” > “Post” from title drop-down. And all other options get the B-B-B nonsense.]

To do an Edit:
1. Main “Dashboard” – from title drop-down (open the main Dashboard) >
2. “Posts” >
3. “All Posts” >
4. Find the post you want to edit >
5. Select “Edit” under post title. That will avoid the B-B-B nonsense.

Hopefully this small victory is not an oversight yet to be changed to more B-B-B nonsense.

The previous recent change “improvement” a month ago eliminated the vertical scrollbar of the normal text box, and I still don’t see any logic for why it was removed. Maybe the adults at WordPress have gone on vacation and left children or trained monkeys in charge this summer 2014. Or…

Breaking News – CNN reporting: WordPress goes from SNAFU to FUBAR as ownership, management, and design has been taken over by brain-eating body-snatching shape-shifting drooling zombie vampire aliens from outer space! “Beep-beep-boop” is their alien language!


Readers may participate at the new forum for this issue…


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